Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Goals revisited!

Here it is almost the end of January and I was looking at my knitting goals that I post on my bathroom mirror.

Hmmmm...I haven't started any of them, haven't even gathered the supplies to make them. So, I am wondering what this says about the goals?


Start a new list/revise my Ravelry queue

Write out a list of what I need to start and finish these projects

Take a look at what I have been knitting  for clues

Ok, here is what I am thinking. I really want to make a sock monkey, so I need gather the supplies and buy the pattern and make it for my birthday in June. That is a goal I really want. And the others...

The goal to knit: a shawl, gloves, Brioche and Jump start on this Christmas are just TOO vague. I need to find some patterns, pull/buy the yarn and make it happen.

What am I currently knitting:

 well my hubby's been complaining his feet are cold so I started a pair of the felted clogs. I have almost one complete.

 I also just finished a two-tone-tawashi (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/two-tone-tawashi).

I realize when doing a big project I like to take a break and work on a smaller project that I can complete. I like these for Christmas and if I hurry i can make a few for friends for Valentines day.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Traveling Stash

 I have recently gone through a "whirlwind" (drove back to MS from WA State- sold house, put belonging in storage and over packed a mini van with the "must have" knitting essential) while seeking our new place.

Here is my before and after stash yarn- I had to grip reality and pare down and put more into storage.



In the back of my mind I wondered if I have kept the "right" yarn with me. Time will tell!